Sew a flower in fabric

- Categories : Special Easter

Make this cotton rose in 30 minutes, or even a pretty bouquet of fabric flowers to decorate your home, table or garden.

A fun, easy-to-make activity that's in perfect harmony with the return of the beautiful season! You can of course make it by hand, but a sewing machine will save you time  ;-)

coudre un fleur en tissu

Material :

Step 1 : cut out the straps


Cut a strip of fabric approximately 12 cm wide by 120 cm long. Feel free to vary sizes if you want to make a bouquet.

Fold the fabric strip in half lengthwise and mark the fold with a mini iron.

plier la bande de tissu et repasser

Step 2 : let's make the petals

Draw rounded lines to create your petals and also draw 2 parallel lines near the folded edge, 1cm from the edge.

dessiner les formes de pétales

Sew it.


Tip: be sure to set the machine to a spaced stitch width for parallel lines. This will make gathering easier in step 3... 

Personally, I've chosen to use a contrasting thread for this one... It's up to you to choose how you prefer your flower to look.

Trick: If your machine allows, switch from straight stitch to embroidery stitch. The circular movements will be easier to reproduce the petals of your flower.

Then cut out the petals with your scissors to within 0.5cm of the seam.

Step 3 : gather the fabric


Pull on one of the two threads (left over from step 1) and make gathers along the entire length. Pull more or less tightly, depending on whether you want a more open or closed flower shape.

fronce des pétales 

fronce de la fleur en tissu

Step 4 : assemble your flower


Gradually wrap the gathered edge around a branch. With each turn, secure with a line of glue. To make it easier, compose your cotton rose with the edge facing downwards, and don't hesitate to press it gently onto your support (table) every 2-3 layers.

fleur en tissu terminée

Your beautiful flower in fabric is done ! 

fleur en tissu

tuto couture fleur en tissu

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CAROLINE - 04/01/2023 10:36:08

Super bonne idée intemporelle pour utiliser toutes ses chutes . On peut même peut être mixer plusieurs tissus différents . A essayer sans tarder dès que j'ai 30 minutes ! Merci