DIY the fabric pumpkin

- Categories : Halloween

Halloween is coming! Here's how to sew your pumpkins to decorate your table, living room, or even your outdoors.

citrouille en tissu

Material :

matériel pour coudre votre citrouille

  • Choice of fabrics

Vary the sizes, materials and colors to have a nice collection :-)

Step 1: Cut the shapes

We are going to make 3 pumpkins of different sizes. Cut out 3 fabric cloths with the following dimensions :

12x24 cm



Fold each piece of fabric in two, right sides together, matching the short edges.

plier endroit contre endroit

Sew the short side.

cousez la pourtour

Step 2: Shape the pumpkin

Sew a running stitch at 0.5cm on one of the two raw edges with extra strong thread.

cousez la pourtour

Tighten your stitches by pulling on the thread and knot it several times to hold everything together. 

tirer et nouer

Turn the pumpkin over right side up and stuff with filling.

retourner la citrouille

rembourrez avec de la ouatine

Repeat the gathering stitch on the other raw edge of the fabric. Tighten and tie the thread. 

réalisez un point courant

resserrez et nouez le fil

Still with extra strong thread on a long doll needle, tie a knot in the center of the pumpkin then sew through the center of the pumpkin while crushing it a little. Pierce the pumpkin from top to bottom.

coudre la citrouille de haut en bas

transpercez de haut en bas

Secure the seam with a knot.


Repeat the step 5 times.

répétez l'opération 5 fois

répétez l'opération 5 fois

répétez l'opération 5 fois

Then adjust the folds to form the pumpkin. You can move the threads a little from side to side once the 5 threads have been sewn and each seam has been secured with a knot.

déplacer les fils d'un côté à l'autre

Your pumpkin is ready !

citrouille en tissu terminée

You can now make the others ;-)

See you soon,


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