DIY - sew a stuffed sheep

- Categories : , Baby / Child , DIY sewing , Doll / Teddy , Special Easter

Here's how to sew this cute little stuffed sheep with bouclé fabric. It will quickly be adopted as a comforter toy by your children... or it can be used as an Easter-themed decoration. Here's the step-by-step tutorial:

DIY coudre un mouton en peluche

Supplies: sew your sheep 30X20CM

fournitures pour coudre votre mouton

  • 1 cloth of bouclé fabric 30CM

You can use faux fur bouclé fabric or this pretty upholstery bouclé fabric

Seam allowances included!

Step 1: Cutting the pieces 

Print out the pattern and pin the different pieces to your fabrics. You'll find the names, numbers and markings on each piece to cut out.

Fold the fleece fabric right sides together and cut out pieces 1, 3 and 6. The result is :

- 2x piece 1

- 8x piece 3

- 2x piece 6

Cut out pieces 2, 4, 5 and 6 in the bouclé fabric. Do not fold the fabric right sides together as it is too thick to cut overlapping pieces. The result is :

- 2X piece 2 

Warning: cut once in one direction, then turn the pattern over to cut the other side of the body.

- 1x piece 4

- 2x piece 5

- 2x piece 6

découper les pièces de tissus votre mouton

Remember to mark the markings on the back of your pieces with an erasable pen ;-)

Step 2: Making and assembling your stuffed sheep 

The body and head

Pin pieces (1) and (2) right sides together, matching markings A,B,C,D.

épinglez la tête et le corps

Stitch and make the other side with pieces (1) and (2).

la tête et le corps sont assemblés

The back

Pin and sew piece (4) to one part of the body right sides together, matching markings A and E.

épinglez et cousez la partie du dos sur le coprs

Then sew the second body part the same way. The result is as follows:



The paws

Make the paws by pinning the two pieces right sides together. Sew, leaving the right side open. Then turn over and stuff your legs before closing them with a hand stitch. Just like this:

 confection des pattes

Then sew your paws to the body of the sheep following the markings.

assembler les pattes sur le corps

Closing the sheep's body

Pin the two parts right sides together and sew around the edges from point A to point F, then from point E to point G. In fact, leave space between the paws to turn your sheep inside out.

coudre le pourtour

Once turned inside out, you can stuff your sheep with the wadding and then hand stitch with extra strong thread. Don't hesitate to pierce the legs to hold them together.

rembourrer le corps du mouton et refermer au fil extra fort

The ears and tail

Make the tail with pieces (5) and the ears with pieces (6). Remember to mix the materials for the ears to get the inside in fleece and the outside in bouclé fabric!

les oreilles et la queue

To make pretty shapes, join the tips of the tail and ear pieces (markings E and H) and sew in hand stitch.

joindre le pointes

Then sew the ears and tail onto your sheep in the appropriate places using extra strong thread. 

coudre les pièces au fil extra fort

The eyes

All that's left is to sew on your eyes using 2 buttons of your choice and extra strong thread. Don't hesitate to play with the position of the eyes to give him a more or less funny expression!

Be careful, if you're making a stuffed toy for a baby, make embroidered eyes to avoid any accidents...

votre peluche mouton cousu main

Baaaa... Isn't he just too cute? Now it's your turn! 

Have fun! 

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Blanche Simon - 04/26/2024 21:46:24 qu'à m'y mettre...