DIY - sew a belt with buckle

- Categories : Accessories , Sewing tutorial

I'll show you how to easily sew a decorative buckle belt that can be used to embellish a dress, for example.

coudre une ceinture boucle décorative


la ceinture décorative en guipure

For this belt I used : 

- the belt = your waist measurement+20cm

- the loop = 10CM

Step 1: place the braid trim

Sew the edges of the lace braid trim to fix it along its entire length.

poser la guipure sur la sangle

Step 2: the buckle

Tuck your strap into the buckle and fold over 1cm. Stitch by hand to make sure it's secure.

fixer la boucle

fixer la boucle

fixer la boucle

Step 3: the loop

Make the loop with a 10cm piece of strap and guipure sown as in step 1. Make a loop and overlap right sides together at 1cm. Sew it like this:

fabriquer le passant de la ceinture 

I recommend applying a little fray check glue to the edge, which will help resist wear and tear. Fold over and flatten the small ends with an iron, turn your loop inside out and pass your belt through it.

le passant  

le passant

All that remains is to close the end of your belt with a hand stitch to make it look pretty. refermer

Your decorative belt is ready !

la ceinture boucle décorative est terminée


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