DIY - Reusable makeup remover pads

- Categories : , Cocooning , DIY sewing , Zero waste

Be careful, I must warn you: to test it is to use it! The washable makeup remover pad is now part of my daily life. Easy and quick to sew, a very successful result to gently remove makeup, save money, a 100% ecological process ... In short, what else 

tuto lingettes démaquillantes réutilisables

Washable pads: what can it be used for ?

These little treasures can be used for various purposes. I made these pads to remove makeup from my face [usually in the evening, installed on my sofa once my day is FINALLY over ... Well now you know everything ;-)].

You can also make them in larger to wash baby, or even opt for reusable diapers.

It can finally be used as a reusable cloth to clean your jewelry, table, bathroom or other objects.

Makeup remover pads : Cheap

Have you ever searched for "buy reusable makeup remover pads" on Google? The results displayed are often accompanied by prices that sting the eyes! Make your own make-up removal squares and you will save a lot of money. You may not even have to go to buy fabric to make your reusable pads if you plan to use scraps from your previous sewing projects.

I did the math :

I ordered 50cm of bambou + cotton fabric and a piece of piping for the finishing touch. It was about 15 € and I made 40 make-up removing squares [Yes, I know it's a lot, but I gave some to my family and my friends!]. I personally use 7 to 8 reusable squares by week. One reusable makeup remover pad cost me 0,38 €.

«zero waist» cotton makeup remover pads 

By using washable pads, I save my skin but also my planet. It must be said that the 6 to 7 makeup removing discs from the supermarket thrown in the trash every day, it's not very ecological ...

In addition to being pleasant and effective, my zero waste pads is made with OEKO-TEX® certified fabrics (guaranteed free of harmful substances) meaning it protects the softness of my skin !

My reusable makeup removing pads : THE TUTORIAL


to make ONE makeup removing pad:

A square of 12cm X 12cm is sufficient. I like the bamboo terry cloth because it is softer and more absorbent. The classic terry cloth will also do the trick.

  • Cotton fabric

Here also a square of 12cm X 12cm. A pretty collection of Oeko-Tex Cottons is to be discovered here

This will make it even prettier !

Practical to hang them somewhere ... 

Step 1

Cut out your two squares of fabric. On the right side of the terry cloth piece, pin the piping around the edge (the rounded side of the piping is on the inside). I used patchwork clips rather than pins to save time.

placer le passepoil

placer le passepoil


So that the junction of the two ends of the piping is clean, I unstitch one end and I remove 1.5cm of the cord. I then slided the other end inside. This will prevent your from having an overlap when closing the work.

je découds l'extrémité du passepoil

je fais le raccord

Step 2

Take the piece of ribbon, fold it in half and place it in one of the corners of your square. This practical loop will be used to group your makeup removing pads or to hang them on a hook.

placer le ruban en boucle

Then place the cotton square on the terry cloth, right sides together. Make a seam around the edge, leaving an opening of 3cm opening to  turn it over.

superposer les faces et coudre le pourtour

Turn the work over and your makeup removing pad is already almost ready.

votre lingette démaquillante est terminée

You only need to close the opening with a blind point and you're good to go !

lingette démaquillante zéro déchet

See you soon, L.

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LALLEMAND - 03/18/2024 20:25:30

J'aime bien l'idée du passepoil ! Très chouette !