DIY — sew butterfly wings

- Categories : , costume , DIY sewing

Fly fly little butterfly... Here is my idea for a disguise that is easy to sew and pretty to wear: a cape with butterfly wings :-) No need for a pattern and this tutorial is adjustable for young and old depending on your size. Lets' go....

coudre des ailes de papillon

Material : to sew your butterfly wings

  • a rectangle fabric cloth for the visible side

I used a simple white cotton but you can go with patterns and colors!

  • a fabric cloth for the back side 

I used a fleece upholstery lining fabric  with a layer of wadding

Step  1: Trace and cut

Take your measurements : 

  1. the width : wrist to wrist with arms outstretched horizontally.
  2. the desired height  corresponding to the height of the back


Cut your rectangle in half and draw a shape of wings with your tracing tool. For the curves I used a round glass. Cut out your wings and repeat the step on the lining. 

Step 2: the seams

Superimpose your two pairs of wings (fabric + lining) right sides together and sew around the edges, leaving an opening of a few centimeters. Turn it over and close your wings.

coudre les ailes

Then take a sewing thread of a pronounced color to mark the effect of the wings (the straight lines).

marquer les ailes

Step 3: assemble

Assemble the ends of your wings with a reinforced seam. On the back side place and sew small loops of elastic to pass your arms (I sewed the elastic on the length so that it is very solid).


You are ready to fly !

vos ailes de papillons sont terminées

votre cape papille

See you soon,